Friday, July 26, 2013

Bolivian President Evo Morales Offers Asylum to Edward Snowden

Evo Morales (President of Bolivia) publicly offers asylum to Edward Snowden for two reasons:

1. As a protest against the US and European nations that took part in blocking his plane.
2. To protect Snowden from the persecution by the USA.

Will America invade Bolivia searching for Snowden?
By granting Snowden asylum, will Bolivia be reinforcing/strengthening its enemy status with the USA?
How do you feel about what Snowden has done? Is he a traitor or a hero?

I am happy with what he has done to inform our great nation and people about what is really going on in our governmental systems. He is a hero to me. We have the right to know. Have you heard of the Right to Know Information Act? By not knowing that my privacy has been taken from me is NOT a national security issue nor do I feel that by not knowing the truth I am protected and safe. Protected and safe from what?

In case you are unsure about who Edward Snowden is or what he has done right for this great nation of ours, please by all means inform yourself:

Here is another link involving Edward Snowden's Dad, and his view on the matter, and I completely agree with him. You go Dad! Keep up the fight, I'll fight with you.

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