Friday, July 26, 2013

Bolivian President Evo Morales Offers Asylum to Edward Snowden

Evo Morales (President of Bolivia) publicly offers asylum to Edward Snowden for two reasons:

1. As a protest against the US and European nations that took part in blocking his plane.
2. To protect Snowden from the persecution by the USA.

Will America invade Bolivia searching for Snowden?
By granting Snowden asylum, will Bolivia be reinforcing/strengthening its enemy status with the USA?
How do you feel about what Snowden has done? Is he a traitor or a hero?

I am happy with what he has done to inform our great nation and people about what is really going on in our governmental systems. He is a hero to me. We have the right to know. Have you heard of the Right to Know Information Act? By not knowing that my privacy has been taken from me is NOT a national security issue nor do I feel that by not knowing the truth I am protected and safe. Protected and safe from what?

In case you are unsure about who Edward Snowden is or what he has done right for this great nation of ours, please by all means inform yourself:

Here is another link involving Edward Snowden's Dad, and his view on the matter, and I completely agree with him. You go Dad! Keep up the fight, I'll fight with you.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

America is on a Path to Turn Into Detroit, and Republicans are Cool With That.

Check this out:

     Our Nation's issues are being ignored by Congress, so what are we the people going to do about it? If any of us speak up we may get shot down by drones, so who do we turn to in order to stop this injustice and corruption within our government? Each other. Drones can't take us all down, and as far as I'm concerned, we the people are in control of who governs this great nation of ours. Our government is relying on the ignorant notion that we as a people will not do anything to stop or prevent, but they forget we have a God given right to speak out against injustices within our system. I will not be silenced. I will not be held from creating progressive and proactive change. We want to call ourselves Americans from the greatest and most progressive nation on the planet, well, things aren't looking so progressive as of late. I don't know about you, but I will fight until my last breath for a nation that needs to evolve or perish.  

Book Review: Squirrel Meets Chipmunk - A Modest Bestiary

My Book Review:

Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary by David Sedaris

     If you ever wanted to know the secret lives of animals, look no further. The catch is that these lives are dark, doomed, twisted and unkind. Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk is a collection of short stories revealing the lives of animals that happen to harbor human qualities, habits and tendencies. Odd for David Sedaris to write such a bit of fiction as this, for I'm used to his autobiographical comedies involving his own experiences and stories about his family. These short stories start out peculiar, quirky, endearing and cute, but quickly turn bizarre, cruel, and horrifying. If you are looking for a book that has a happy ending, this may not be for you. If you are looking for a book that is unconventional, terribly original, darkly funny and outright weird, then this should do the trick. I warned you though, this is not a book for children, and it is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Album Review: Myth by Geographer

My Album Review of Myth (2012) by Geographer

     Electro-indie-pop is a great way to describe Geographer's sound. Relatable and poetic but also simple in lyrics, the singer's voice (Michael Deni) involves a variety of range as well as volume. His voice reminds me of Moby, Kings of Leon, or Coldplay, however it is also strangely original. Some songs involve eighties dance influence, but others almost have a 90's soft rock thing going on, while others bring an Asian/oriental feel out. 
     The cello (Nathan Blaz) mixed with the guitars and synthesizers really give it an almost classical feel, yet when you turn up the volume, it feels like a wall of sound is tumbling over you like a tsunami. Very shoegaze and trancy at times, yet also elegant and peaceful . The songs can be hypnotizing and almost violating in a way that says, 'whoa, turn that down it's taking me over. I'd recommend listening to this while you're studying or driving. Definitely different when compared to music I usually find myself listening to, but I for some reason have grown very attached to about half the songs on the album. Good ones to start yourself out on are: 'Kites', 'Blinders,' and 'Kaleidoscopes'.

Recipes Using Doterra Essential Oils

Recipes With Doterra Essential Oils

So, I have been into using Doterra Essential Oils lately, and the health benefits I've received from using them are astounding and amazing! Here is a link to their new Summer Splash collection involving recipes using the oils:

I'm excited to try many of these. The love of my life Daniel is a Doterra Consultant, so if you are interested in buying this collection or any other oils, please don't hesitate to contact me here on my blogsite, and we can answer your questions and get you all the oils you could possibly want.
Here is the link to learn more about and browse/shop for Doterra Essential Oils:

Poem: Lakes of Rising Suns

Poem: Lakes of Rising Suns

All the time I am amidst lakes and roots,
the gnarls careening and dividing each depth.
That's the long and short of it,
but I'm not hostile, for
Among the trenched troughs
this is my draped unity
of land and flow,
and herein I step lightly
wetting my toes.
Sometimes I'm on a boat
Vivid and thorough
Ever waving
to grazers and borrowers.
Other times I may be swimming in
the lakes of rising suns;
basking in the liquid embers
finding light waves stuck in my swimsuit.

Photos of Large Times

An excerpt from an Anarchist Guidebook.
From left to right: Me, Vanessa, my sister Samantha, Sarah (Vanessa's sister).
We were reunited once more after a good time apart. (We were childhood friends, and still are)
A street art kitty in Austin, Texas.
Me getting silly with jumbo Jenga graffiti.
The cake from Vanessa's baby shower last week!
My good friend and Austin makeup artist Cy Darling.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Poem: The Cuckoo Belly Clock

Poem: The Cuckoo Belly Clock

Is it easier for you when I'm not around?
You wouldn't have to walk on eggshells year round.
Maybe you should date someone
younger, less worrisome.
Someone that will watch the dawn
with you, someone that isn't me, and
my motherly ways.
I might as well be a mother.
God, I yearn for oddlings anew.
To the point of sincere bother.
It happens to be my maternal clock,
it's off its hinges swinging in the
doorway of my youth.
I dream I'm trying to take it off the
wall, but it's attached by an infinite
string hidden and always connected.
A nightmare I can't evade or hide from.
Wake me when I'm no longer a mother,
then maybe we can lay in the shade of solemnity.


Healthy Stuffed Peppers Recipe

Healthy Stuffed Peppers Recipe (I made my own hybrid of three different recipes)

Prep Time: 20-35 min.
Cook Time: 40 min.


4 colored bell peppers (1 each green, red, orange, yellow)
1 lb. ground turkey
1 medium yellow onion
2 tsp. minced fresh garlic
1 carrot (grated)
4 fresh mushrooms sliced thin or chopped
2 fresh Serrano peppers (1 jalapeno for more mild heat)
2 cups finely chopped fresh spinach
1 cup brown rice
1/2 cup quinoa
1 can diced tomatoes (don't drain)
1 can tomato paste
1 can pinto or black beans
2 tsp. cumin
1 tbsp. chili powder (1 tsp. for more mild heat)
1 tsp. coriander powder
2 tsp. coarse ground black pepper
2 tsp. ground Himalayan sea salt
1 cup shredded pepper jack cheese


1. Save time by cooking rice and quinoa together: bring 1 cup brown rice to boil in 2 cups water. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 20mins. Next, add quinoa to cooking rice, stir, cover, continue simmering for 15 more minutes. Turn off heat, let sit for 5 min. Voila!
2. Pre-heat oven to 375* degrees.
2. While rice and quinoa are cooking, cube/dice onion, mushroom, spinach, grate carrot, mince garlic, open cans of tomato products and beans.
3. Combine all chopped vegetables and canned goods, then mix it all up!
4. Brown 1 lb. turkey in large skillet on high heat for 10 minutes, when almost done, add veggie/bean mixture, stir.
5. Add in brown rice and quinoa mixture, stir.
6. Add cumin, chili powder, coriander power, black pepper and Himalayan sea salt.
7. Mix it all up! Let cook for 3-4 min.
8. Slice bell peppers either in half or cut off tops and de-seed.
9. Lay peppers in Pryrex baking dish or Corningware sideways or tops up.
11. Fill each pepper with medley until each pepper is heaping/overflowing.
12. Top each pepper with pepper jack cheese.
13. Put in oven, and let cook for 35-40 min.